Hidden Ponds Ponies and Gypsy Horses

St. Brendan's Cream
Brendan is now sold, but I am leaving this up as he is a sire to many of our foals.
GVHS Full Stud Book
2006 Palomino Blagdon Gypsy Stallion
Clononeen Mull of Kintyre x Carolan's Cream
DNA: ee aa nCR W20/W20 nPATN1
PSSM1 and FIS Negative
Country of Origin: Ireland
Brendan is our beautiful palomino stallion. With his gorgeous long mane and thick tail, as well as his heavy feather, he makes quite the impression on anyone who visits our farm! Brendan is a unique palomino blagdon, and there are very few with his pattern in the world!
Brendan is broke to ride English and Western and has been shown in both. He is a Reserve Champion Utah Gypsy Show Western Pleasure Horse.
Brendan is sweet and kind and loves the foals. He is the sire of 21 foals (that I know of!) to date, with 70% so far being fillies.
Make sure to check the For Sale pages to see his foals for sale and also for his ad!